I am currently attending a beauty school and I need to be current with all the styles, which includes hair....
What is the current hair style (cut) and color?
A wispy bob is big(see new pictures of Katie Holmes).
What is the current hair style (cut) and color?
The bob was in, and now it's going out. I think girls are in the process of growing out there hair right now. I haven't really saw anything major that everyone has lately. I've always been safe with a length past my shoulders. As you probably noticed, there was a trend of going brunette and some girls have stayed and some girls have gone back to blond. I think that right now is a transition time.
What is the current hair style (cut) and color?
its all about long hair nowadays!!! Grow it! Layer it Feather it but leave the length...guys like longer hair...its sexy!
What is the current hair style (cut) and color?
The different types of bobs. You may get client's that come in and just say I want a bob. Bobs are big these days. But hey, there are all sorts of different bobs out there. There is no longer just one type of bob. I suggest learning all of the different types of bobs and methods that are used in creating the different types. It may require for you to take extra classes when your done with your basic schooling.
Long hair is in always and learning to cut it different ways will help you.
Learn all of the different layering techniques such as box (or Square) layering. etc..
Cutting to the shape of a client's head is also pertinent. to getting the style your trying to acheive. No two are the same.
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